R̥̥ḁ̥̥̥i̥̥n̥b͡ow Upon ϑ’Cat — a Flag for Unflinɕhiŋ Unity & Hope in a Growiŋ Landscape of Desperation & Sterility

ryan leo ꜩ-tzen [ovxx]
7 min readAug 15, 2024


ïm nøt a hippie or anyϑiŋ ⅋ut remember l𖹭ve ī̄s all ϑats̄̄ real & all else will melt away.

République of Twinknation

“Watch ϑ’news!”

ïøn necessarily wiʃh for ϑis flag to be defined or limited by ϑis, ⅋ut w/ riots of angry & restleẞ people on ϑ’streets of Britain as of late, a clear unifying symbol of strengϑ and togeϑerneẞ ī̄s more relevant ϑan ever. Its̄̄ easy to dismiss ϑeir spiteful meẞage as a fringe extremist ideology, ⅋ut 5 minutes in any comment section covering ϑ’topic says oϑerwise. ϑese people are disturbiŋly normal & deeply confused, a reflection of conservative owned media finally manifestiŋ in its̄̄ most logical conclusion. ϑey døn’t realize ϑey’re beiŋ puppeted by billionaires. Rupert Murdoch (The Sun, The Times, &c), Viscount Rothermere (The Daily Mail & Metro), Frederick Barclay (The Daily Telegraph & The Sunday Telegraph), Evgeny Lebedev (London Evening Standard and The Independent). “Watch ϑ’news!” ϑey say. Haviŋ ϑeir kids goiŋ around screamiŋ “p*kis out” can only be understood as ϑ’rational response to ϑ’illusive other, “invading” ϑ’country, “raping” & “slicing” ϑeir children, all ϑ’while ϑ’root of issues ϑat upset ϑem (ϑ’privatization & commodification of immigration, water, housing, &c) remain completely unaddressed & ignored just how ϑ’ultra-wealthy has designed it. Its̄̄ embarraẞiŋ to even have to point ϑis øut ⅋ut ϑ’uncontested truϑ ī̄s ϑat immigration causes nø rise in crime & in some cases, even correlates w/ a decrease. ϑey pay more tax, create more jobs, contribute more to ϑ’NHS, to schools, & generally keep ϑis decrepit place from completely setting fire to itself, albeit ï guess nøt literally anymore.

& nøt to be all like “𖹭h ů wanna talk about immigration? Name on̅e place ů’ve immigrated to” ⅋ut ï find ϑat ϑose most against immigration are ϑ’most utterly uninformed. Ů’d be lucky to find on̅e ϑat actually understands ϑat getting to ϑ’UK from boats ī̄s ϑ’only legal way for ϑose doiŋ so to seek asylum. Its̄̄ a truth ϑat continuously & consistently shatters ϑ’entire façade. It ī̄s uncomfortable for ϑem to ϑink ϑey have no on̅e to blame ⅋ut themselves. ϑat ϑis ī̄s what ϑey voted for. ϑat no on̅e ī̄s out to get ϑem. ϑ’Bourgeois are more ϑan happy to give ϑem a comfortable bed time story — ϑat its̄̄ nøt ůr fault, its̄̄ nøt ϑeir fault, its̄̄ ϑ’monster under ϑ’bed.

ϑ’Flag in retaliation to ϑis ī̄s just an exercise in design. ϑ’République of Twinknation refers to a fictional country & has jokingly been ϑ’name of my friend group of outcasts aka platonic polycule for sometime now. Ïve crafted ϑis in our name. A bit of a schizophrenic rant follows, bare w/ me.

Associated identities & borrowed symbolism:

  • R̥̥ḁ̥̥̥i̥̥n̥b͡ow flag (pride & unity amongst diversity)
  • Republic of Formosa (Chinese Tiger of power progress & protection)
  • Anarchist’s black flag (rejection of nationhood)
  • Socialist Red⭑star
  • Queer λiberation
  • Geoism (removed in final version of the flag)

PINK & R̥̥Ḁ̥̥̥I̥̥N̥B͡OW

Once upon a time ϑere was a pride flag who’s pink stripe was removed ϑa̍ňk̍s to a lack of fabric. According to Gilbert Baker, it represented “sex”. its removal can be attributed (just by mere correlation) w/ ϑ’adoption of ϑ’modern pride flag by capitalism, its sterility, & meaniŋleẞneẞ. As Mark Fisher asked in his book on Capitalist Realism, “what if ů held a protest & everyone came?”

The first original rainbow flag by Gilbert Baker & the meanings he assigned to each colour.

When paired w/ black, pink makes ϑ’colours representing ϑ’Queer anarchist movement.

Queer anarchist flag

Symbolism from ϑ’International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces & ϑ’Red Star was used to exacerbate ϑis, to paint a general landscape against r̥̥ḁ̥̥̥i̥̥n̥b͡ow capitalism. Its̄̄ muɕh harder to picture ůr local bank rolling w/ a flag containing an AK-47⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━.

The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army

Θeir flag contains black anarchism, & ϑ’red⭑star. The Button Museum explains it best:

[It] has been among the most widely used symbols throughout history, appearing on medieval coats of arms and modern flags. However, it is most strongly associated with communism and socialism, […] Originating from the Bolshevik Revolution and the Russian Civil War, the red star is thought to represent the five fingers of a worker’s hand, as well as the five continents, which emphasized communism’s worldwide appeal. Despite the collapse of the USSR, the red star remains a ubiquitous symbol on the coats of arms and flags of former socialist entities.

The black flag has been historically associated with anarchism since the late 19th century. This black represents the rejection of all flags, and thus the rejection of nationhood. A red star over a black background emphasizes the shared tenets and ancestry between the two ideologies. For example, this combination is seen on the flag of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, a far left anarcho-socialist militant group in Mexico.

Zapatista Army of National Liberation

Θ’⭑star on ϑ’tôp left in earlier versions, paired w/ ϑ’tiger from ϑ’proto-Taiwanese flag of Formosa were made to hint at Chinese characteristics 𖡉outside of a conventional & well established understanding of it. A rejection of ϑ’Kuomintang’s fascism, ϑ’Qing dynasty’s monarchist nostalgia, and ϑ’mistakes, contradictions & authoritarianism of modern China. Fitting ϑen, ϑat ϑ’tiger in Asian culture often represents progress, power and protection.

Flag of the Qing Dynasty

Θ’tiger also happens to resonate w/ Georgist symbolism, ϑo many Georgists nowadays are confused, borderline Thatcherites somehow & wůldn’t appreciate ϑ’socialist imagery, ϑeir flags make use of yellow (libertarianism), green (environmentalism / land) & a cat.

green_meklar’s take on the geoist flag

“Do ů see ϑ’cat” has been used as a metaphor for achieving an understanding of Henry George’s economic ideas, particularly ϑ’role of land in ϑ’economy, i.e. ϑ’bigger picture ϑat can’t be unseen once ů finally do. Quote:

“I was one day walking along Kearney Street in San Francisco when I noticed a crowd in front of a show window… I took a glance myself, but I saw only a poor picture of an uninteresting landscape. As I was turning away my eye caught these words underneath the picture: ‘Do you see the cat?’ …I spoke to the crowd. “Gentlemen, I do not see a cat in the picture; is there a cat there?” Someone in the crowd replied, “Naw, there ain’t no cat there. Here’s a crank who says he sees a cat in it, but none of the rest of us can.” Then the crank spoke up. “I tell you,” he said, “there is a cat there. The picture is all cat. What you fellows take for a landscape is nothing more than a cat’s outlines. And you needn’t call a man a crank either because he can see more with his eyes than you can with yours.”

& from “The Cat and Dick Twittingham”

“Ye see, young fellow,” said the innkeeper, “after the Conquest the land was given to a handful of the bastard’s principal knights who kept the people in what amounted to slavery, forced them to work for nothing on the lord’s land and made them pay rent.
But God never intended the land to be in private hands. In Anglo Saxon times we were independent Freemen who worked the land for ourselves and kept the produce. It be society that creates the value in land, and that value should rightly be returned to the community so it can grow and improve with everybody sharing the benefits. Today that value is taken — nay, stolen — by the descendents of the Norman Lords and Barons. They claim they own the land and this gives them the power to demand rent from the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker and the innkeeper, extracting the most they can get to leave their tenants with a bare living. And the threat of instant eviction if they are so much as a day behind with the payment. Trouble is that folks have become so oppressed that they suffer the burdens but don’t see the chains. You mark my words, young lad, one day there will be a revolt and the peasants will rise up and free themselves from oppression.”

Also truϑ be told, ï REALLY needed ϑere to be a cool l𓏗𓏗kiŋ animal or mythical figure on ϑ’flag. I mean Welsh people know whats̄̄ up fr.


w/ a fart :3
i liked this one a lot but its just really messy lol. bit with the geoist highlight was removed completely.
Earlier version without black anarchist bar through star
First version with the gay male flag. Scrapped for all my girlfriends.
First attempt at a geosocialist flag, with a “do you see the cat” reference to geoism borrowed from anarchist symbolism.

Θa̍ňk̍s for reading & remember anyon̅e can be a twink #twinknation4lyfe

PDF download for prints



ryan leo ꜩ-tzen [ovxx]
ryan leo ꜩ-tzen [ovxx]

Written by ryan leo ꜩ-tzen [ovxx]

my pussy wrote a ϑesis on colonialism

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